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Killed The Cabal  



Please post this in your daily Blog.  

How We-The-People Killed The Cabal  

Here are the story-promo lines from the Akashic Records:

A Major Milestone in the Defeat of the Cabal
occurred the day all home owners, in-mass,
stopped making home mortgage payments
to the
Cabal criminal bankers.

That took about 130 BILLION dollars every month
away from the Cabal Criminal Bankers and    
provided 75 million home owners
and their families with an average of $1,780
in spendable money every month. 

With the help of each other,
We-The-People can kill the Cabal.  

We can permanently and forever 
eliminate the Cabal criminals from our worlds.  

I/We know because I/We went into the future and
examined the history.  
I/We found records of the happening
in the Akashic Records,

For the full story go to: 

Home Loans All Canceled --
Cabal Defeated by

Thank you,

Robert Cote' 
Creator and Director of
We-The-People  Advisory Council  













    Message to President Trump 
Sent 16 Feb 2017>



Editors note:   
The President's email system
has multiple, unnecessary  formatting requirements. 
Everything has to be drastically shortened, and
all has the same boring format
That's the only formatting that they accept. 
They even take out the spaces between the paragraphs.  

The system was intentional designed
to make the messages difficult to read. 
This more than just completely eliminates the visual impact,
it also significantly reduces reader comprehension.

The system is clearly a Cabal design. 
The software in this system was most likely
changed to this present formatting
between the election and the inaguration.      

<><><>   <><><>

The Message:

If you really are the peoples president, do this:  

* Stop fighting those who oppose you.  
Go around them. 
Go to the People.  
Ask us what we want. 

* A good place to start is with the
We-The-People Advisory Council. 
Below are a few examples of
what we want you to do.  

* Tell ALL the American home owners
to stop making home-loan mortgage payments.

* Cancel the portion of the national debt that is owed 
to the Cabal criminal bankers.  

* End the absolute, totally and completely insane
war against marijuana.

* There is an urgent, and I mean urgent
infrastructure problem
that has huge, national implications, 
a problem that requires immediate,
that is immediate attention.  

* Send us a real email address were the
We-The-People Advisory Council
can send you complete messages.

* We have over a dozen  ways by which
you can fulfill the promises 
that you made to us in our inaugural address.   
Contact us.  
We have detailed information regarding
each of the above issues. 

* Please be aware that almost all Americans,
including yourself, and those around you 
have been secretly mind-manipulated
by the cabal.
For example, if you watch television,
your mind is being constantly bombarded
with thoughts, pictures, stories 
and behavior patterns that are all designed
to keep your behavior inside of their invisible prison.  

* Most Americans do not yet realize
that they are in an invisible prison. 
The prison is invisible to the inmates.  
It's made of 
incredibly sophisticated illusions,
intentional deception, mind manipulation,
and false beliefs.  

* The message below is directed to
the person in the President's office
who first receives this message: 

* Be aware that I/We are under Divine Protection.
If you mess with us,
interfere with our work, or
if you fail to get our message to the President,
you are challenging Source/ Creator God-Goddess.
(Not a wise idea!)

If you engage in
Violations of any kind
directed at us, directly or indirectly, or
at anyone associated with us or
at anyone assisting us
spiritually, mentally, physically or financially,
you will personally experience severe repercussions. 
Everything you do is being watched. 

When you learn what is at the South Pole,
you'll know what I/We mean. 
Admiral Byrd stepped into the world of our collective future.  

Also, be aware that third dimension level weapons
are no match for beings with cosmic consciousness.      







<><><>>The cabal criminals also use
bribery, extortion, entrapment, murder,
<>and anything and everything thay could have possibly done to kill, destroy humans,  













Times New Roman  12 pt

If you really are the peoples president, do this: 
Stop fighting those who oppose you.  
Go around them. 
Go to the People.  
Ask us what we want. 
A good place to start is with the
We-The-People Advisory Council. 
Below are a few examples of
what we want you to do.  
Tell ALL the American home owners
to stop making home-loan mortgage payments.
Cancel the portion of the national debt that is owed 
to the Cabal criminal bankers.  
End the absolute, totally and completely insane
war against marijuana.
There is an urgent, and I mean urgent
infrastructure problem
that has huge, national implications, 
a problem that requires immediate,
that is immediate attention.  
Send us a real email address were the
We-The-People Advisory Council
can send you complete messages.
We have over a dozen  ways by which
you can fulfill the promises 
that you made to us in our inaugural address.   
Contact us.  
We have detailed information regarding
each of the above issues. 
Please be aware that almost all Americans,
including yourself, and those around you 
have been secretly mind-manipulated
by the cabal.
For example, if you watch television,
your mind is being constantly bombarded
with thoughts, pictures, stories 
and behavior patterns that are designed
to keep your behavior inside of their invisible prison.  
Most Americans do not yet realize
that they are in an invisible prison. 
The prison is invisible to the inmates.  
It's made of  lies,
incredibly sophisticated illusions,
intentional deception, mind manipulation,
and false beliefs.  
The message below is directed to
the person in the President's office
who first receives this message: 
Be aware that I/We are under Divine Protection.
If you mess with us,
interfere with our work, or
if you fail to get our message to the President,
you are challenging Source/ Creator God-Goddess.
(Not a wise idea!)
If you engage in
Violations of any kind
directed at us, directly or indirectly, or
at anyone associated with us or
at anyone assisting us
spiritually, mentally, physically or financially,
you will personally experience severe repercussions.  
Also, be aware that third dimension level weapons
are no match for beings with cosmic consciousness.      









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                               5th Dimension, Consciousness Expansion, 
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Message to the President  16 Feb 2017