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The Mysti Crystal Collective  

Creating Life, 
Llove,  &  Joy 
Beyond Profound




Learn How to

Focus on the Feelings

Know   Intend   See   Feel   Be   Experience




This Page Has a New Home











C S 18-06-22


Page Summary     



Unsticking Stuckness:
*   First, understand that
     Thinking Is an Act of Creation.
     Every thought is an act of creation.
     Yes, every thought, without exception,
     is a act of creation.

We keep ourselves stuck in
Third Dimension~
*   By lying to our selves,
*   By denying  or ignoring The Physics of Consciousness~,
*   By denying or ignoring The rules of reality
*   By playing Victim Consciousness,
*   By blaming other people or external situations
     for our problems.

*  We physically experience a blend of
    our most common,  most dominant
     and most emotional thoughts.

*   Speaking is an expression of thinking.
    They both function (have power)
     in the non-physical side of reality.~

*   Thinking is fist cause.
     Creating is done on the non-physical side of reality.
*   physical activity is an expression  (a follow up) of thinking.
*   We experience our creations on the physical side.
*   Everything physical begins with
     a  non-physical thought.

*   On the physical side,
     we  experience.
     the manifestations of the non-physical thoughts
*   Emotions are the power behind  our thoughts.

*   Whatever we think about,
    the Universal Laws give us more of the same.
*   Think Sheyitt Consciousness and experience more Sheyitt.
    Complain and the universe gives us more to complain about.
*   Think, Joyous and Lloving thoughts and
     the universe gives us Joyous and Lloving experiences

*   The above  is a description of
     the most basic Law of the Universe.

*   We live in a holographic universe.
     A holograph is a giant cosmic lever computer.
*   Just like the computer from which
     you are reading these words,
     everything follows an exact set of rules.
*   Here are the basic rules:
    Physics of Consciousness       How the Universe Functions      

*   Prayers work   if you know how to pray.
*   Pray from inside of God and
     NOT by begging for favors from
     an external God outside of yourself.
*   Pray as a God-Being.  
*   Pray by declaration.

*   Pray within the the rules of reality,
     Pray within  the physics of Consciousness.
*   Remember, prayers are thoughts.
    Thoughts follow the rules of consciousness.

Conscious Christianity~


If you find yourself stuck
in a negative thinking pattern,
this page will help you to
Focus on Something-Else


We also have additional paged
devoted to assisting people to
Keep their thinking at least
one step above emotional neutral:

*   Satisfaction or higher


*   First Create the feeling state of JOY
Feel-Good Feelings

Feelings as Vibrations


*   Emotions---Creating-with-Emotions~


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C S 18-06-22




Page Summary    

The Something-Else to Focus on:

     I know      
     I Declare    

     I Experience   
     Stand Alone Statements  
     Intentions Related to Sex  

Related Information
     References     Recommended Related Videos 

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C S 18-06-22


Focus on the Feelings 



I intend as follows
It is hereby directed that my understanding
of the information on this web page
is the same as Prime Creator's understanding  
I declare this to be so.  And so it is! 
Thank you.  

<><><>   <><><> 
In my mind, I make  statements
such as those written on this webpage.
I then, see a picture of each manifestation.
I Close my eyes  and
I feel the associated feelings.
I hold the feelings for at least one breath cycle,
and then,, either repeat the same intention or
move directly into the next intention.   
And  that feels really, really good.

I avoid any and all extraneous thoughts
during this process.  

Seventeen Seconds    
Abraham Hicks : Only 17 Seconds To More Money $$$$ - YouTube

<><><><>   <><><><>

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Abraham Hicks Procrastinate No More! How to Get Things Done Effortlessly - YouTube
Minute 13:25
On any topic, I talk to myself in more general words

*   I can figure this out later.
     I'll think about it later
     Right now my Job is to feel  really good
*   Everything is working itself out
*   If this were something I really wanted,
     I'd be  working on it /Moving on it  right now.
*   I am gradually releasing my resistance
*   Instead of pushing,
     I am simply allowing what is to be as it is

<><><><>  <><><><>

If you are not in vibrational harmony
with your intention,
     i.e. you have resisting thoughts such as ,
     I want ___  but I can't afford it.

speak in general terms.
Use words and language
that do not directly  include
the topic of desire.

For example, ignore money.
Focus on what you will feel
when the money turns in to physical stuff.
I imagine the great joy of
being in my new, multi-person Jacuzzi pool
with several, naked, beautiful women.
Money may or may not be a precursor to that experience.

<><><><>   <><><><>

How do you feel 
When you think about
each of the words below?

Find and feel the feelings
associated with each of these words
and or with each of these blocks of thought.

Clear     Clean     Certain     Confident   
Peace of mind

Relax     Allow     Enjoy     Just Be.  

Truth    Beauty     Freedom    
Happiness     Joy  

Appreciation    Gratitude   I count my blessings  

Oneness        Whole      Wholeness     
Complete    Unity     Harmony 

I am Worthy     I am Deserving,    I am Enough  
I am connected to Source/Creator/ God-Goddess.
I am a piece,  part, aspect, expression of
Source/Creator/ God-Goddess.
I am  that which I choose to be,
and that feels really, really good.

The place where I belong.  
A place that belongs to me.

I AM.   
I Am that  which I choose to be

Llove    Compassion  
Lloving      to Llove      to Be Loved 

Health    Well-Being     It's Good to feel good     
Feeling good, brings me more to feel good about.

Cooperation     Connectedness       Included       .
I am part of a Lloving, Fifth Dimension Consciousness
creation team.

Eager     Anticipation        Desire     
Joyous expectations     
In the moment    the Joy of Living
The joy of giving and receiving Llove     .

Feel-Good-feelings   aka      FahZoom
Laugh      Play      Sing       Skip      Dance
Expand      Want more     

Sensuality     Sexuality     Sexual ecstasy     Orgasms
Orgasm is designed to be a shared experience.
Sensual/ Sexual breathing techniques
Learn how to use the energy of mutual masturbation.
     Lean how to transfer sexual emotional energy
     into creating anything we choose.
     including    Extended Orgasms     Multiple Orgasms
Pretty   &  Handsome      Beautiful     Sexually exciting.

I find you interesting.   Please tell/show me more

And all that feels really, really good.

Several of us are Human Christos
We, while in physical bodies,
 carry Christ Consciousness.
We are among the first wave of
those who believe and live by
the words of Jesus, 
 "Anything I can do, you can do and more."

Ask and receive  
Abundance flows to me freely in many ways     
Fulfillment     Peace of Mind
*   I Focus on my Joy-Llove feelings and
     receive more to Llove and feel Joyous about.      
*   I feel feel-good-feelings
     and receive feel good experiences      

   Do you want more Llove in your life?
     The Way to receive Llove
          is to focus your attention
                   Giving Llove.

     Don't believe us.  
     Examine the evidence:
The First Lost Secret

     Seven Lost Secrets of Llove

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Make self criticism Unfamiliar
Make praise Familiar

I am Enough
I am a Great Creator
I am a master writer.
I am a visionary.  I see things that are still
    not seen by most other people
I am a master teacher,  Guide,  Way-Shower
I am healthy, wealthy, and wise.
I know how to talk to my body
     I taught my body how to be healthy

My job is to sing,   dance,  Play,   Laugh, and have Fun

I am  sharing and experiencing
     Fifth Dimension multiple and extended Orgasms
     with beautiful, sexually exciting women,
     and doing so within   the CLIC-sharing context

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I Prepare Myself to Receive What is in

The statements below are an edited and
an expanded version of the message from Abraham.

When intending t manifest something,
if you have resistance,
think of it in general, non-specific language.

The following is an example

Intention:      I'd Llove to have a new car.
Resistance:   but cars are so expensive.

Here is some non-specific language

*   Ease is being in the path of lest resistance.
*   Everything is flowing into my life with Grace and ease,
     And that feels really, really good.

*   Everything flows to me in divine right timing.
*   It's easy for me to feel good.
*   It's easy to be at at one with ease and comfort.
     And that feels really, really good.

*   It's easy to see what I like.
*   It's easy to like what I see
*   It's easy to focus on what inspires me to feel good
     and to ignore everythingelse.

*   It's easy for me to flow through each day.
*   It's easy to be who I am.
*   It's easy to be me.
*   It's easy to trust myself.
*   It's easy to trust the laws of the Universe.
     I trust that the Laws of the unverse are consistent.
     And that feels really, really good.

*  It's easy to do the work/play that .I chose to do.
*   I have great fun because my work is actually me playing
     and doing what I Llove doing.
*   I follow my feel-good feelings
     and everything moves into place
     with the grace and ease with which
     water flows down hill.

*   It's easy for me to be in relationships with my teammates.
*  My relationships feel    smooth,   joy-filled,   and   comfortable.
*   My relationships are    honest,     deep,     and    heart-based.
     and all that feels really, really  good.

*   My relationships are soft gentle  sure,
     certain,  core, deep, and  sincere.
*   I vibrate in perfect harmony with Llove
*   Llove abounds in everything I am,  in everything I Do,  
     in everything I have,  in everything I express and  experience,
     And that feels really, really good.

*   I am Lloving and lovable.. 
*   I feel Lloving, Llovable, Lloved.
*   We are together in a mutually beneficial relationships.
*   All interactions with others is always mutually beneficial
*   I am fulfilled over and over again
     and all that feels really really good

*   I feel certain,    secure,   at-ease,    and    comfortable.
     Why?   Because I believe, know, and understand
      that I am a God-Being,
     And that feels really, really good.

*   I feel and know that I am core, deep, source,
     sincere, genuine and fruitful.
*   My life is source based,
*   Everything I do feels core,   feels  real,
     and is mutually beneficial
*   It feels good to feel really, really good.
     and I feel really really good,
     and knowing that inspires me to
     feel really, really good.

*   My life is expansive.   healthy
     It's fun.   It's exciting   enticing 
*   I am magnetic.
     And that feels really, really good.

*   I am a master creator.
*   I am a teacher, guide, way-shower
     for Fifth Dimension Consciusness.

Peace of Mind:
*   I feel comfortable with myself exactly as I am.
*   I feel comfortable with myself exactly  I am.
*   My personal reality feels    right,    good,    and  wise,
*   My life follows    wisdom's way
*  I feel certain,      secure,    and    at peace with everything
*  I am Self-Confident,   safe,   and   secure   because I know that
     I am always divinely guided,
     and that feels really, really good.

*  I am always connected to source
     because, Source-God-Goddess and I
     are one and he same thing.
*   God, nature, my fellow-human-God-Beings, and Myself,
    We are all parts, pieces, and aspect of
     the one unified, everhtying,
     and all that feels really, really good.

*   My power is soft,    gentle,     sure
*   My power is  and feels like Llove
*   I feel like me   I feel at home home within myself
     I like  knowing what an who I am.
     I feel at home,  even while in physical form.
*   I feel Real.   I feel certain
     I am Self-Assured,  Lloving, 
     Self confidence,.  I inow that I am a God-Being.
*   My life is open-ended, expansive, and eternal
*   My life is Soft,    Gentle,   Comfortable,
     fulfilling   real   and   easy to live.
*  I like feeling  like me and  being God-like
     and all that feels really, really good.

*   I am filled with Llove, and adoration
     for all my fellow human, brothers and sisters,
     and for myself as well.
     We are all one unified whole.
 With Llove, Kindness, Compassion, and With Passion
     are some of the ways we inter-relate

*   I am part of
Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess.
     I feel confident and  confidence in knowing that
     God's truth is also my truth,
     and all that feels really, really good.

Listen to Abrham-Hicks express portions  of this.
Preparing For What You Want -
YouTube  19:17

*   I am a great Creator.
     I  am now witnessing the evolution of my intentions
     as they comes forth into its physical form.  

*   I am viscerally/ instinctually / internally  aware
     of what I am doing vibrationally.

All of these statements are working together
in building momentum
in the direction of manifestation of my intentions.
They are poinient, vital, and viral in my life.

I acknowledge my relationship to
the vibrations of all on the above

*   Things are always working out for me.

Contact Abraham hicke
ask for some follow up on the sessions they do
in their seminars
  What happens  to the students after talking to them

All of the above is
Emotional preparation for receiving what in my vortex
What do I need to do vibrationally in order to
receive what's in my vortex?

Focus on the felings

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<>                     Un-Catagorized-Feelings---Innn-Box

 Begin by watching/listening to thes two VIDEOS

Abraham Hicks - Feeling Abundance Is The Solution To All Of Your Problems - YouTube   13:11
The Vibrations of Abundance
Why Do I Want Abundance?
Because When  I live in abundance,
*   I feel
     Relaxed.,   Accepted,   Lloved, 
      Llovable   and   Looked after 
      and that feels really really good..

YouTube   13:53

Our Personal Team:   (The incarnated part of our team)
*   I am part of a home team.
*We are an expanded family,
     a family  of like minded,  
     self-aware, fellow Earth Human God-Beings.
*   We are together
     for personal sharing of
      Llove, great sex, adventure,
      exploration, companionship,
     consciousness expansion,
     and much more.

*   We are here to
     to Create, to Serve,
     to experience Giving  and  receiving Llove.
and all that feels really really good.

Our Service Team  
We are together to guide, lead,
and participate in creating
our new Service to All~ social structure..

Presently, we are step by step, manifesting
our monthly celebrations,
Full-Moon Celebrations of Life and Llove.~
and that feels really, really good.

Question      Be Curious      Ask        Seek      Find   
To find Interesting    

To Llove and to be Lloved
is our natural state of being.  

Our Job is to feel good for no reason
other than to feel good   

<><><><>     <><><><>

*   I focus my attention on feeling the feeling of
     that which I intend to experience.
*   I express gratitude and
     I feel those feelings because I know my intentions
     are already created and ready for   manifestation,
     and that feels really, really good.
*   I feel  Lloved,   I feel Joy,    I feel Freedom.
     I am  Relaxed,  at ease, and comfortable,
     I have and I feel  Peace of mind, Lloved, and appreciated.
     My state of being is Blissful.
     and all that feels really, really good.

*   I  am self-Aware.  I am Self Confident
     and all o that inspires me
     to feel really, really, very good,
     and so, I feel really, really good.

*    With sincere gratitude,
     we send/ pass/ give / share a portion of
     the Llove we  have
     as a gift the betterment of others.

     As you know, Giving and Sharing Llove

     Inspires everybody  to feel really, really good
     Ands so, I feel really, really good.

*  Wwe do this collectively and we the result is  our
     Fifth Dimension Service to all social struture.

*   We are great creators, playing / surfing/ sailing
      on and in  the Oceans of Llove.

*   I feel what N
ew-Home-Joy feels like
I know because I am  now
     living comfortably and safely
     in our new FahZoom Home
     and that feels really really good.

*  What does Joy feel like? 
What does ______ feel like?   (Fill in the blank.)

*   How do I experience my Llove emotions?

*   What does sensuality Feel like?
     What internal emotions do they trigger/ inspire?

*   What does sensuality Look like?
    What internal emotions do they trigger/ inspire?

*   What does sensuality Sound like?

     What internal emotions do they trigger/ inspire?

*   What does sensuality Smell like?

    What internal emotions do they trigger/ inspire?

*   What does sensuality taste like?
    What internal emotions do they trigger/ inspire?

This is who I am.  
This is how I intend to feel
This is who I am with.
What does this feel like?
This is where I am living
This is what security feels like?
This is what  home-coming  feel like?
This is what  empowerment feel like??
fun, freedom, self confidence, peace of mind,  
this is what it feel like to live in a comfortable,
fully-functional nd fully-functioning Homw

I Am at Home and i feel
I am    _______  and that feels really really good.

I feel



Abraham Hicks Create Money WITHOUT Action With This 'Missing' Vortex Secret... - YouTube
Abraham Hicks Create Money WITHOUT Action With This 'Missing' Vortex Secret... - YouTube

*   I know withe absolute certainty
     that I am  a God-Being.
*   I am a piece, a  part, an aspect of God-Goddess
*   I am  an expression of God-Goddess
     and all that that feels really, really Good

 *   Living in Fifth Dimension consciousness
with other God-Beings who also know
that they, too, are God-Beings.
inspires me to feel really, really good
*    Knowing my new reality, inspires me to
feel really, really Good.
and all that feels really, really Good.

*   Success inspires more successes
*   I appreciate what is, what can be, and what will be.
*   I eagerly anticipate what is coming,
and my pre-knowing my inevitable, guaranteed success
feels really, really Good.

*   I can feel good any time I choose to feel Good,
and knowing that, feels really, really good.
*   I feel really, really good,
because feeling really good inspires me
to feel even better than really, really good.
*   Today, I am on the infinite path
to mor joy and more to feel joyous abut and that feels really, really good.

Contrast Commeth.
Contrast has now departed.
and in its wake I feel more joy
amd even more light hearted
and that that feels really, really Good.

I am thankful for my blessings
My blesings bless it a double way
* They are a blessing in and of the themselves
*   They open doors  and  they attract more ble

Blessing .  Be Llove
And that feels really really good.

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A  a  A


Allowing and Accepting:             Allowing
I intend, I choose, and I am a master of the art of allowing.
Allow,   I forgive,   I accept what is as it is,
and that feels really, really good!  

Allowing,  forgiving, and accepting
are  natural ways of life for me,
and that feels really, really good.

Everything in the external world
is an already-created.
It is  past tense   
It is a record of my past thinking and feeling.
Technically, it is a self-created illusion!  
I just let it be as it is
I am a master of the Art of Aallowing
and that feels really, really good!

///  //

***   Amazing  
I Am Amazing.   We are Amazing 

When I/We focus on what humans can actually do,
we discover our selves to be amazing.
Compare myself today
with  lies I  used to live by when I believed
the old, obsolete, third dimension consciousness,
and  see ourselves as winners.    

*   We are eternal, non-physical,
 multi-dimensional  God Beings.
I knowing that with absolute certainty
and that feels really, really good!  

*   We know that everything is part of a single unified field
I am,  we all are all part of
one single family of Earth Humans.
 and that feels really, really good!  

*   Because we have the most powerful emotions
of any species in the known Universe
we, Earth humans, are by our nature Great Creators,

We ere experiencing physical life inside of
Source/ Creator/ God-goddess's ,
Cosmic, multi-sensory, multi-dimensional holograph
In that context, we hav all the creative powers of
God-Goddess, Herself.

Knowing that inspires me to feel really, really good!  
So, I say,  that feels really, really good!.
 and I feel really really good.

*   I Am,  We are  incredibly creative. 
and that feels really, really good. 

*   Now thatwe are learning  the Rules on Fifth Dimension Reality,
we are able to create
by, with, and for ourselves and each other,
absolutely anything we could ever
want, need, require or desire,
and that feels really, really good!   

*   We, Earth Human,  have
the most unique and divers genetic makeup
in the known uniese.
*   Alex collier says that in the galactic organizations,
humans are considered to be genetic royalty.  

*   Are We Alone in the Universe?  
Obviously not.  
Simply wake up and look at the evidence. 
For example, there are hundreds of thousands
of ancient artifacts that could not have been created
by our present day humans.  

*   I know we are part of the galactic civilizations
and that feels really, really good!   

<><><>   <><><>   <><><>

I know I am a God-Being 
living in physical form,
I am Infinitely abundant.   

I am abundance.   
I intend more abundance.  
I choose abundance. 
I Llove abundance,
and that feels really, really good.

I enjoy abundance.  
I am Abundance,
and that feels really, really good!

I am abundant in every aspect of  my life,
and that feels really, really good!       

Each day, my life is becoming
more and more bountiful,
and that feels really, really good!     






      I Intend, I choose, I Llove everything in my life in balance.  
      Each day, everything is coming into greater balance,
      I have the right amount  and
      the right level balance of everything
      and that feels really, really good! 

///  //

Body  --  Hair: 
     I intend and I have thick (closely spaced),
     healthy hair on my head
     My face is clean and hairless.  
     I look really good,
     and that feels really, really good!  

///  //

Body and Mind:      See Innate body        

***   Teeth: 
        My teeth are spaced just far enough apart
        so hat they are easy to keep clean
        and that feels really, really good.

///  //

Body  --  Sensations:  
     I intend to experience an abundance of
     *   Physical comfort,
     *   Body relaxation,
     *   Sensual pleasures,
     *   Sexual pleasures. 
     and that feels really, really good.  

*   Comfort, relaxation, sensual pleasure, and sexual  pleasures,
are now natural ways of living and being for me,  
and that feels really, really good.  

*   After making a statement of my intention,
I remember to see, feel, be, and experience myself
as a physical representation  of
my intention in it  manifestoed from.  
*   I become my intention
*   I imagine being my intention
and that feels really, really good.  

*   I see myself inside my picture.  
I imagine myself inside of my intention.
I am experiencing the experience as a participant.
I feel the joys of my experiences,
and that feels really, really good!   

*   At other times, I may choose to be the observer
and experience my reality from outside of the enent
and that, too, feels really, really good.

*   What ever my point of attention is focused on,
I Close my eyes and feel the associated feelings.   
I hold the picture in my mind and I feel the feelings    
for at least one breath cycle
and that feels really, really good.   .   

I trust the manifestation process.  
I trust myself as a powerful God-Being
and that feels really, really good.  

*   I feel worthy of receiving and
experiencing my intentions,  
and that feels really, really good!.

*   I Intend and I know that
I am enough!   
I am worthy.   I am deserving.
I am part of God's  Earth transition team
and that feels really, really good!.

*   My sense of belonging feels really, really good.

*   I accept my intentions as my new, personal reality,
and I feel the really, really good feeling. 

(See link on this page: I am Enough.)

///   //

Breath-and-Breathing                  Breath-and-Breathing

*   Several Times during the day,
I take a few minutes
to refocus my self and
to remind myself of who and what I am.

I also remember to breath consciously.
In my mind, I  hear  "ahh"   as  I inhale
through my mouth
and  "whoumm" as I exhale through my nose
and that feels really, really good.

Notice that the ahh and Ummm sounds
are part of the sound we make
at moments of relaxed Joy.
Breath consciously  and make these sounds:
Ahhh    Uhhhh  Oohhh   Ohmmm
Notice the feeling these sounds invoke.

Sometimes I reverse the cycle
breathing in through my nose and
releasing the air through my mouth
with an audible  "Aahh"  
as I exhale,
and feel my body melting into
its relaxed state of being
and that feels really, really good.

*   At Least once every day, I
I stop whatever I am doing and
I refocus my self as myself
I remind myself who and what I am,

*  I know and remember that I am
     a piece,
         a part, 
             an expression
                  an aspect, and
                         a representative of God-Goddess,
                              and that feels really, really good.

*   Knowing that inspires me
to feel the really, really good.
I feel the feelings called Llove,
and for a moment or two, and sometimes more,
I  am grateful for my Godhood,
as I experience myself in  the feeling flow  of Llove
and all that feels really, really good.

*   I know that the feelings called  Llove are everything.
Llove is a pleasant smile, and a kind word,
a joyously tasty morsel of food,
a sip of my favorite delicious beverage,
a helping hand to another   in a moment of need,
holding a warm, loving hand of a Lloving fellow God-Being,
Giving Llove in any of its thousands of obvious ways.
and all that feels really, really good.

When place and timing are right,
I give, express and at same time receive Llove in
many of its sensual forms.
sight, sound, smell, taste and touch
a simple warm smile
all the way to
extended moments of shared, orgasmic bliss. 

I am  that I am 
and all that feels really, really good

*  As you know, Giving and Sharing Llove
Inspires everybody  to feel really, really good
And that inspires me to also feel really, really good.

and so, I feel really, really good
when I'm feeling really, really good.

And the best part of feeling, really  good
Is sharing feeling really, really good
with a fellow god-being
who is also feeling really, really good.

Did you ever wonder
how good can feeling really, really good  get?
Test yourself.  
If you need a test partner contact me.

///    //

Business  Career  Point of Service:

*   I Intend, I choose, and I Llove  
a perfect
business setting for me, 
and that feels really, really good!.

*   I intend, and I choose
the perfect
job for me,
and that feels really, really good.

*   I have the
perfect job
n the perfect business
for me.  
I love my job. 
My job brings me great joy,  
and provides a great service to All.
and that feels really, really good.

*   I am the creator and
First Director of FahZoom Home,
 and that feels really, really good.

*   I am the creator and
First Director of FahZoom Town,
 and that feels really, really good.

 *   I intend the perfect
computer system
 for our Cosmic Awareness Training Program,
and that feels really, really good.

*   I intend the prefect
communication system
for our Cosmic Awareness Training Program,  
and that feels really, really good.

 *   I intend
the ideal teaching team  
for our Fifth Dimension
Cosmic Awareness Training Program,  
and that feels really, really good.

*   My work, my Fifth Dimension
Consciousness Trainings program
is fully acknowledged,  recognized, and appreciated,  
 and that feels really, really good.

*   I Am enough, I am worthy, deserving, and
I recognize myself as worthy,  deserving,  and  enough,  
and that also feels really, really good.





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In addition to the
12 full moon celebrations each year,
we also hold  13 additional celebrate: 

*   Christmas   25 December.
     Christians take note.
     The previously ignore teaching of Jesus
     have been returned back into Christianity.
     On this day, we Celebrate Conscious Christianity.
     and that feels really, really good.

*   New year's day   1 January.
    We have spiraled back
    to where we were a year ago
     and found ourselves at 
     a grand, new beginning.
     I/ we  like new beginnings 
     and that feels really, really good.

    Last year  at his time
    what did we intend for our next cycle?
    What was our best from the last cycle?
     Where might we choose to be or do differently?
     and  knowing all that feels really, really good.

     *   Spring equinox  21 March.
     We honor and begin a new season of growth.
     Externally, it planting time.
     Internally we are about to re-create ourselves  anew
     Physically,  Mentally   Spiritually.
     and that feels really, really good.

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*   Death of Money day   15 April.
     IRS,  money, and taxes ar all dead.
     What a Relief that Is
     and that feels really, really good.

*   Memorial day    May
     Each of us is celebrating and sharing
     our most cherished memories.
     Reviving, re-living, and/or re-creating
      your most cherished experience
     feels really, really good.

*   Mother's Day / father's Day      June
     Celebrating God's gifts of Humans as Great Creaors.
     A good day for experiencing orgasms.
     A good day for being grateful
     for sensuality, sexuality and orgasmic bliss
     and as we all know
     orgasms feels really, really, really  good.

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*   Summer Solstice  21 June.
     Honoring "Light"
     Light is another name for
     Cosmic Information.

     Since everything is Consciusness
     This is truly something to celebrate
     and that feels really, really good.

*   Freedom/Liberty  day      4 July.
     We acknowledge having mastered all seven of
     The Seventh Lost Secret of Llove.
     We acknowledge ourselves and each other
     as sovereign free God-Beings
     and that feels really, really good.

*   Veterans Day   September
     We are all veterans of
     the War for the control of Human consciusness.
     This is a victory
     that will highlight Earth-Human-History
     for as long as humans continue to use hysical forms.
     and that feels really, really good.

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*   Fall equinox     21 September.
     Celebrating The Harvest of Abundnce.
    Imagine being, doing, having expressing and expereiencing
    any thing and everything you could ever
     want, need, require of desire.
     That's how good life gets,
     and that feels really, really good.

*   Coming of Age  31 October.
     Celebrating transition  from childhood into into adulthood.
     Here we honor our first publically acknowledged
     act of sharing orgasms with ones sensual sexual partner.

*   Thanksgiving    Last Thursday in November.
     Honoring all with gratitude and appreciation.
    for everything, particularly honoring Source/Creator's'
     gifts of Life and Llove
     and that feels really, really good.

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*   Winter Solstice    21 Dec  End Mayan Colander.
     Beginning of the Aquarian age.
     21 December 2020 Humanity's eight birthday
     in Fifth Dimension Consciousness.
     As a collective, Humanity has reached the age of Reason.
     and that feels really, really good.

Celebrating Success:

*   I intend  to succeed at whatever
task I intend to accomplish..
I celebrate my successes,
and that feels really, really good.

*   I understand the concept expressed as: 
"Nothing succeeds like success."  
My understanding of success
is the same as creator's understanding of success,
and that feels really, really good.

*   I celebrate my successes because
the more I succeed the easier it is
for me to succeed in my next endeavor, and also, 
with each success, the Universe brings me
more successes to celebrate. 

and that feels really, really good.

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Change:         Allowing   Accepting Change
*   I know and understand that change is constant.  
*   I know and understand that
    except for the basic Laws of Reality,
     everything constantly changes.  

*   I  smoothly and joyously flow with changes,
     and that feels really, really good.

*  I am a Master-at-the-Art-of-Becoming   

///  //

Complete   Completion  Whole  
*   I know I am complete.   I am whole.  I am enough.  
*   I give myself  permission to experience being  fulfilled.
*   I am complete.   I am whole.  I am enough
     and that feels really, really good.
*Reference:   Fulfillment.

///  //

Connections:      Bonds of Connection      
*   I Intend and  I choose to feel connected to Llove,
     I Llove being connected to Llove,
*   I am connected to and part of
     Source/ Creator/ God/Goddess,  
     and that feels really really good.  

*   With every in-breath,
     I take in more  energy of  Llove.  
     With every exhale, I feel Llove
     as it radiates out from my heart
     into every aspect of my being.  
     and that feels really really good.  

*   The Breath of The Source Goddess's Llove
     animates my being.  
     I am The Breath of Life itself.  
     I know, see, feel, and experience
     The Goddess Llove that I AM!      .
     and that feels really really good.  

*   No matter where I am or what I do,
     I am still and always at home where I belong,
     with Source/ Creator/Goddess,  
     and that feels really really good.  

*   Why do I say I am at home with Llove? 
     Because no matter where I go,
     Source/ Goddess is with me  and is me,  
     I feel that connection,   am that connection,
     and I feels really really good.    .

*   I am and I feel intimately connected to
     and part of
     the source of infinite Llove. 
     and I feels really really good.

I feel Llove in everything. 
     I feel the Oneness of everything.  
     I feel the Unity of everything. 
     I am part of everyting.
     I feel my intimate connectedness
     and I feels really really good.

*  I feel the perfect cooperation and harmony
      as everything functions in Divine right order
      and that feels really really good.    

*   I feel safe.   I feel secure.  
     I know that I am safe
     I know that I am secure,  
     I feel my intimate interconnectedness.
     I know All is well
     and that feels really really good.   .

 I know:  I AM that I AM
    I  am whatever I declare myself to be.

     and that feels really really good.

*   I am connected to and have complete access to
      Lloving and Being Lloved,  
     I am experiencing Truth and Beauty in all her forms, 
     I know that even while
     I am Connected to adventure, and  Excitement, 
     I am still and always  safe and secure,
     and that feels really really good.

*   You are my family.   I am your family.  
      We are all ONE! 
     Everything we experience,
     is just us playing in a holographic reality,  
     I am always safe and swecure,
      and that feels really really good.   .

See the page titled:  
I Am Connected, Llovable, and Enough

///  //

Contentment:         Allowing
      I Intend, I choose, I Llove contentment,
     I am contented,  
      and that feels really really good.  

      I intend my ability to sit quietly and just be,
      and that feels really, really good!     

///  //


*   I Intend, I choose, and
     I Llove being in control of
     the direction that my life flows.

*  There is a huge part of Life that
    Just is whatever it is.  
     and over which I have zero control
     and zero interest in controlling.

*   It's Ssource/ creator/ God-Goddess's party
     to which I have been invited.
     I am a Lloved and welcomed guest
     and that feels really really good.

*   My job is:
    To enjoy the party,
    To be a Great Creator
    To be of service,
*   My job and my joy is:
     and all that that feels really really good.

*   Source/ Creator guides my life. 
    We work/play as a team.  
     I control "where" I go
     by intentionally visualizing, imagining, picturing, and
     feeling the feelings associated with my intention.
*   I get out of the way and
     Source/ Creator does the how to do it part,
     and that feels really, really good.

///  //

      I intend cooperation and teamwork.   
      Cooperation and teamwork are a way of life
     for me and for all of my fellow God-Beings,
     and that feels really, really good.

*   At FahZoom Home, we have and we are
     a delightful, joy-filled team.
     and that feels really, really good.

///  //

Creator / Creating:   

*   I know and understand that I am a Great Creator,  
     and that feels really really, good. 

*   I am everything. 
     I do anything I choose.  
     I have anything I choose.  
     I express and experience anything I choose.
     I know that I am a Great Creator,
     and that feels really, really good.

*   I create from inside of my beingness,
     from inside my consciousness.   
*   I create a family of images, and feeling inside of me.
*   My self-created images and feelings
     match that which I choose to experience.
*   Then, in what appears to be an external, physical world,
     and by this simple process
     I become that which I choose to experience.

     and that feels really, really good.





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Death of the Physical Body:

*   I know that early death of the physical body
      is not necessary
      for my spiritual evolution.
*   That old, false, and now obsolete belief
     is replaced by a  new understanding.
*    I am , we are eternal, non-physical,
     multi-dimensions God-Beings presently
     having  human experiences
     in a holographic reality.
*   We each stay in our physical body
     until we choose to leave,
     and that feels really, really good.

*   As
we shift into Fifth Dimension Consciousness,
     we realize that the change  is a change in consciusnes,
     not a change in physical form.
*   We stay  our present physical body
     and make the changes in our consciusness.
     Our physical form will adapt, adjust, and change
     to match our new consciousness  
      and that feels really, really good.

      I know that my physical body
      will continue living in a
      vibrant, healthy, fully-functional  form
      until I choose to leave the body and move on,  
      and that feels really, really good.

///  //

Dependable  /  Reliable  /  Consistent  /  Predictable:    

*   I know and I understand that
the Laws of the Universe are  
dependable, reliable, consistent, and predictable,  
and that feels really, really good.

*   I trust myself.
I am dependable, reliable, consistent,
and self-predictable.  
and that feels really, really good.

*   Others see me as dependable and reliable,
consistent, but not predictable.
I will make in the moment changes
when such changes are appropriae

*   After making the statement of intention,
I remember to see a picture and feel the feelings
associated with its manifestation.  
*   I see myself inside my picture.  
*   I imagine myself inside of my intention.

*   I close my eyes and feel the associated feelings.   
I hold the picture in my mind and feel the feelings    
for at least one breath cycle.   

I know how the universe functions and
     I trust the manifestation process.  

*   I feel worthy of receiving and
     experiencing my intentions,  

     and that feels really, really good. 

*  I know that
I am enough!   
    I accept my intention as my future,personal reality,
     and that feels really, really good. 

(See link on this page: I am Enough.)

 DNA   12 Strand DNA     
      I intend fully functional
            and fully functioning DNA
            in all the cells of my body now.   (See Innate Body).   





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/// //

Enough    I am Enough   I am Enough     
      I Am enough!    I'm good enough, complete enough,
      smart enough, old enough, wise enough, young enough!   

      I Llove enough!   I Am Lloved enough!  
      I am Llovable,  
      and that feels really, really good!      .

      I Am enough of everything I choose to be enough of,
      and that feels really, really good!   

      I no longer struggle  to be more of anything.  
      I am enough just as in am right now.  
      I no longer have to prove myself.  
      I am a God-Being..  
      See:   Internet, YouTube  link:   I am enough!

      I AM also more than enough.  
      I give the excess to others.  
      We all do that and thus,
      Enough is everyone's way of life,  
      and that also feels really, really good!  

///  //

Excitement!   Passion!   Joy! 
In countless, joy-filled ways,
      I intend  and  I follow
      my passion, 
      my excitement,
      my bliss,  
       while also knowing  
      Llove by any other name
      is still Llove,

      instead of hearing me say that
      I feel really, really good,
      just, pretend you are me and
  feel me   being  
      I AM that I AM!   

      Llove is like ice cream.
      it comes in delightful:   
     flavors, colors, shapes, sizes,  and
      everything else, as well.  

I Experience
      excitement, passion,
      joy & bliss,
      at the level of
      Fifth Dimension Sex.   








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FahZoom  ( Feel-Good Feelings):  
      I Intend, I choose, and I Llove
physical comfort, body relaxation, and
      sensual pleasure,

      and that feels really, really good!  

The sounds we commonly make
while experiencing pleasure are
Aahhh!   Uuhhh!   Oohhh!   Mmmm!  
We've labeled our pleasure state of being "FahZoom."  

FahZoom Home:               FahZoom Home  .
      I intend, I choose, and I Llove  FahZoom Home.  
      FahZoom Home is my perfect home setting,  
            and that feels really, really good!   

      I intend, declare, and experience FahZoom Home, 
            the perfect home for me.   
            Being in FahZoom Home feels really, really good!  
      Link to  FahZoom Home web page.   

      I intend,  I choose, I Llove and I have a perfect, joy-filled,
      comfortable, exciting home life, 
      and that feels really, really good!  

      I intend complete safety and security in my home,
      and that feels really, really good!  

      FahZoom Home Qualities include:     
      Everything is of high quality,  
      Several bathrooms, 
      Jacuzzi-style hot tubs, 
      The perfect location,
      Spacious, clean, neat, orderly, 
      Functional and comfortable furnishing,      
            such as  large beds, relaxing chairs, etc. etc.  

       Everything is fully paid for.
      Additional funds are available for maintenance
      and for all other expenses.    
      Available for immediate occupancy

Fifth Dimension Consciousness:  
      I intend, I choose, and I Llove Fifth Dimension Consciousness.  
      I am  Fifth Dimension Consciousness, 
       I live as Fifth Dimension Consciousness,   
      and that feels really, really good!  

      I focus my attention on my intention
      on that which I choose to   
      be, do, have, express, and experience. 

      I ignore everything in the outside physical world,  
      and that feels really, really good!  

Everything in the external world
is an
already-created, past tense 
self-created illusion!  

I see anything of low vibration
in the external world
as an observer.  
I know I created my perception of it,
and now I choose to create
a perception something else.  

I am not creating physical things,  
I am a
creating images of physical things 
in a holograph.  

Actually, I am not creating anything outside of myself.  
I am altering my internal rate of vibration
by imagining images and feeling feelings
that match what I choose to experience.  

      I intend, I choose, and I Llove
an abundance of healthy, delicious food. 
      I intend, I choose, and I Llove eating
      only healthy, delicious, nutritious foods.
      and that feels really, really good!  

      I intend, I choose, and I Llove
eating fresh, ripe, home-grown, organic strawberries
            with home made ice cream,
            and that feels really, really good!  

      I intend, I choose, I Llove, I have,
      and I experience complete freedom.  

      I know what freedom feels like.  
      It feels really, really good!  

As a fully-self-realized  God-Being living in physical form,
      I am absolutely free to
            be, do have, express and experience
            anything I could ever want, need, require or desire,
            and that feels really, really good!  

Becoming a fully-self-realized God-Being
is NOT something that that happens
by instantaneous, supernatural, transcendental magic. 
It's an evolutionary process.  
Be patient.  
Walk the path one step at a time!  

Fulfillment:            Fulfillment       .
      I intend multiple experiences of fulfillment.  
      Each success is a fulfillment of an intention.  
      I celebrate each success.  
      Success, fulfillment ,and celebrations

            feel really, really good!  
      I love them.  
      With an attitude of gratitude and appreciation, 
            I reach for more.  

God / Goddess / God Beings:  
      I know and understand that
      I Am an eternal, radiant God-being,   

      We are all eternal, radiant God-beings,   
      Knowing who and what I am  feels really, really good!  

Grace and Ease:   
      I Intend grace and ease
            in everything I am,
            in everything I do, have, express, and experience,

            and that feels really, really good!  

      Third dimension pain and struggle
            has been replaced by
            Fifth Dimension Grace and Ease,
            and that feels really, really good!  

       I know, I intend, and I direct that  
            "Easy does it, every time,"
             and that feels really, really good!  

       I intend living my life and doing everything I do
            while holding an attitude of gratitude and appreciation,

      Being grateful and appreciative feels really, really good!  
      With an attitude of gratitude and appreciation, 
            I reach for more. to feel grateful for.

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I am getting better every day in every way
And that feels really,Really Good.

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      I intend harmony.   I am Harmony, 
      I intend harmony in every aspect of my life,
      Harmony feels really, really good!  

      I intend excellent health.  
      I choose excellent health.  
      I am excellent health,

      Excellent health feels really, really good!  

      I intend heart to heart connections
           in all my interactions with others,  
       Heart-felt connections feel really, really good!     .

      I intend a perfect home setting for myself.   
      I intend a perfect home life for myself.
      I intend complete safety and security in my home,  
      being in my home feels really, really good!      .

After making the statement of intention,
remember to see a picture of its manifestation.  
See yourself inside your picture.  
Imagine yourself inside of your intention.

Close your eyes and feel the associated feelings.   
Hold the picture in your mind and feel the feelings    

for at least one breath cycle.   

I trust the manifestation process.  

I feel worthy of receiving and
experiencing my intentions,  

I Intend and I know that I am enough!   
I accept my intention as my personal reality,
and that feels really, really good. 

(See link on this page: I am Enough


I Am: 
      I am a God-Being experiencing life in physical form.   
            Knowing that I am a God-Being  feels really, really good!  

      I am a Divine Lloving Spiral of Infinite, Universal Llove,  
      Knowing and experiencing myself as a God-Being 
            feels really, really good!  

Imagination:                                                                       Imagination 
      I am and I intend myself  as and to be 
            a master of Imagination
            in physical form.  

      I know and understand that
            imagination is simply opening my self
            to God-Consciousness and
            allowing spirit to flow through me, 
            and that feels really, really good!    


Innate Body:     The Smart Body       Innate Body  

           Body-Consciousness      Balanced Body

The invisible (spiritual / consciousness)
part of Self 
that is the collection of all of
body cells functioning together as a team. 
It is the creator and controller of
the DNA in every body cell.

Innate is the Spirit and intelligence of my biology  
Innate is what I talk to when I do muscle testing.  

It's the part of me that works diligently
to create in physical form
whatever I think, believe, and feel.  

      I intend and I have clear communication
      with my Innate

      I know how to tell my innate body
      what I want it to be, do, have,
      express, and experience.  

      We functioning together as a teem
      I feel the connection and the mutual Llove,
       and that feels really, really good.  

      It's one of the ways I Llove myself,   
      and that feels really, really good!   

      I now have permission from myself
      to Llove myself, 
       and that feels really, really good!    

Innate body consciousness
knows about body and the self.  
It does NOT provide answers
about the external world .  

      To create my desired and stated intention,  
My innate self responds 
      using the cellular rejuvenation system,
      and that feels reall,. really good!  

      My biology also may respond in a process we call 
      Quantum Jumping. (Link to Quantum Jumping on this page)

      Quantum Jumping is the shifting
      from one timeline to another timeline. 

      Link to webpage describing Time and Timelines

      In my Fifth Dimension Consciousness,
            I understand my relationship
            to the concept called infinity.  
      I know anything is possible
            that everything is possible,
             and that feels really, really good! 

Intention:  ** 
      I intend and I am:  
       integrity, honesty, Llove,
      gentleness, compassion, and discernment in action,  
      and that feels really. really good!  
      See  Manifesting Described  on this page.

      I intend great joy and ecstasy in my life.  
      Joy feel really, really good!   
      Ecstasy feels even better!    

      The attributes of joy include
            music, singing, dancing, food, beverages,
            abundant sensuality, great sex,
            adventure, exploring, and much more.   
      Joy and ecstasy feel really really good!  

Khold-Priki!   (Feel-Bad-Feelings)     
Feelings / emotions are an internal message
telling me about what I am thinking, saying, or doing.     

When unwanted thoughts, feelings, beliefs,
expectations or negative experiences
show up in my life,
I welcome them in.  

I feel good about feeling bad, because
I know that they are either invitations to learn something, 
or  an invitation to let go of
a dysfunctional belief, attitude, or behavior pattern. 

Three steps
1)  I become aware of khold-priki thought or feelings.  
2)   I know that they are not part of my natural state of being. 
      I am a God-Being.  
      Khold-priki belongs elsewhere. 
      I notice it.  I feel it.    
      I  fill it with Llove and let it go. 
3)  I shift my focus onto my joys and passions,
      onto what excites me,
      onto what makes me feel really, really good.      

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L l L       Through      R r R 


      I intend an exciting, joy-filled life,
             and that feels really, really good!  

Lloving Relationships!  

The real search is for
the inner states of being known as
Loving and being Lloved,
Being Included 
Feeling safe and secure, 
Dependability, Consistency,
A Harmonious, peaceful, joyous state of being,
Being Enough.  
Feeling in control of my life.       

I know and understand that there are no mistakes,
only learning experiences!  

Natural State of Being:    (See State of Being on this page.)
      I know and I understand that
      abundance and worthiness
      are part of my natural state of being,
      and that feels really, really good! 
      Link to web page: Natural State of Being

Next Step  -- Ok Now what?   
      I match  the highest level of joy that
            I have ever reached in any aspect of my life
            and then take one step more.   
            When I do that,  
            I feel really, really good!    

Oneness / Unity / Wholeness:  
      I know and I understand that all things are one thing
            vibrating at different rates.  
      Everything, including myself
            is/are part of a single, unified wholeness,  
            and that feels really, really good!    

     I know and understand that
           I am an intimate part of
            Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess,  
            and that feels really, really good!    

Open Mind / Open Heart: 
      I am.  I intend an open mind, an open heart,  
            and that feels really, really good!    

Peace / Peace of mind:   (See  Contentment on this page.)   
      I intend peace of mind.  
      I intend inner peace,  
            and that feels really, really good!   

      I herby give myself permission
      to be, do, have, express,and experience 
      an abundance of anything  and everything 
      that I want, need, require and desire. 
      Because I am worthy of
      endless abundance and 
      infinite possibilities,
      and that feels really, really good!  

      I am Worthy of God's infinite Light and Llove,
      I am Worthy of joy, bliss, ecstasy, and much more,
      and that feels really, really good!  

     Why am I worthy?  
      Because I am God.  

      Being worthy is my natural state of being. 
      I am enough exactly as I am in his moment.  
      I am an express ion of infinite possibilities,
      and that feels really, really good!  

Permission:   Having to ask permission
is a subservient state of being
in which freedom is absent. 
As an aware God-Being  
one does not require permission, however,
what is required is
responsibility for ones actions,    

Pineal Chakra / Pineal Gland:  
      I intend a fully functional and fully functioning  
            pineal chakra.  
      I intend a fully functional and fully functioning  
            pineal gland, 
            and that feels really, really good!  

      My pineal chakra and Pineal Gland are open and active   
            and that feels really, really good!    

      I intend hyper-connectivity
            between parts of my brain that normally
            do not speak to each other,  
            and that feels really, really good!    

      I intend experiencing
            (becoming at one with)
            psychedelic mushrooms / psilocybin. 
      I know from experience what that feels like.  
      When I relive those experiences,    
      I feel really, really good!    

      I intend experiencing
            being at one with LSD,     
      I know from experience what that feels like.  
      When I relive those experiences,
            I feel really, really good!  

Protection    Protection by Declaration!  

Quantum Jumping (i.e. shifting to different timelines):     
      I intend complete mastery of the art of quantum jumping.  
      I just made another quantum jump
           into a more joy-filled timeline,  
            and that feels really, really good!    

      I intend complete relaxation,
            and complete peace of mind.  
      I intend Relax, Allow, Enjoy, Just Be,  
            and that feels really, really good!    

      I intend remembering completely
            who and what I am,  
            and that feels really, really good!    

     I intend and I flow with the natural rhythms and cycles of life,
      and that feels really, really good!  
      (i.e.  day/night,   sleep/awake.,  moon cycle,   annual cycle, etc.)

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L   through   R








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S s S      Through      Z z Z  


Safety  /  Security:    
      I intend, I have, I experience complete safety and security.   
      I intend personal safety, personal security,
      and that feels really, really good!  

      I intend, I feel, and I experience  satisfaction,

      and that feels really, really good!  

Self Llove:  
      I like myself.  
      I Llove myself. 
      I'm good to me.   
      I'm good for me.  
      I deserve Llove, abundance and mental clarity,  
             and that feels really, really good!    

      I accept myself exactly as I am,
            and that feels really, really good!  

Sensual Pleasures:   
      I intend the taste,  smell,  sound,  sight, 
      and the tactile sensation of pleasure,
      and that feels really, really good!     

Sound is one of he keys of creation.   
I feel really, really good siting in silence.  
In my moments of silence,
      I ge t connect to who and what I rally am,
      and that feels really, really good!  

Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess:  
      I intend  and I have a clear knowing and
            a clear understanding of my relationship
            with Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess.   

      Each day, my understanding of this relationship
            is becoming clearer,

            and that feels really, really good!  

State Of Being:       My Natural State of Being:
      I know and understand that
            I am a God-Being
            with numerous inherent, natural characteristics

I know and understand that:  
      complete safety and  security,
      connection with everything   
      excellent health,
      Grace& Ease,
      I am enough,
      peace of mind,  
       power of creation,
      wisdom,  and
are all integral parts of my natural state of being,
and that feels really, really good!  

      Link to web page: Natural State of being)    

What do each of these attributes look like?
What do each of these attributes feel like? 
Imagine the experience.  
If there are sounds, tastes, or smells, imagine them, also.. 

     I Am enough,
            and that feels really, really good!  

Strength  /  Power:    
      I intend, I have, and I experience  Fifth Dimension power,
            which is internal,  magnetic, and  gentle,

            and that feels really, really good!  

FYI:   Third dimension power is weak
because it depends violence or threat of violence
against something that is outside of itself.       

      I intend that synchronicity is a way of life for me.
        Experiencing  synchronicity  feels really, really good!  

Time and Timelines:
    (Link to Quantum Jumping on this page)
      I know and understand that time
            is part of the Holographic illusion.    
      I know and understand that timelines
            are potential experience. 
      Link to webpage describing Time and Timelines

      I intend, I poses, and I drive my ideal car,  
            and that feels really, really good!  

      Where it came from and how it got  here
            was / is NOT MY JOB.  
      Source/ Creator did / does the the doing.  

My job is  to:  
      declare my intention,  
      imagine my intention,
      see my intention,
      feel my intention,  
      trust the manifestation process,  
      feel worthy of receiving my intention,  
      Know that I am enough and
      accept my intention. 
(See link on this page: I am Enough.)   

      Vehicle Qualities      
            Dependable, high quality,
            fully functional, fully paid for.. 
            elevated view from drivers position
            All related costs are paid for  
            fuel,  maintenance, (3d registration & insurance) et cetera.  

Vision:        Pineal
      I intend perfect vision,
            perfect eyesight,
            20 - 20 vision. 
      Each day my vision gets clearer
            and that feels really, really good!  

      I intend abundant wealth in all of its forms,

      and that feels really, really good!  

What Can I Do to Help?  
     How can I be of service? 

     1)   By Far, the best way you can help
            is to to learn who and what you are.

     2)  the next most helpful thing you can do
           is join with your neighbors and
           create  and share a community of
            home-grown, gardens of organic food

      3)   Plant fruit trees along the streets and roads.    

      In your mind, see your garden. 
      Imagine how good it feels to eat your own grown,
           healthy organic food.  
      Feel the freedom  from the matrix that this offers.

      I intend wisdom,
      I am wise,
      I am healthy, wealthy and wise,
      and that feels really, really good!  

Worthy / Deserving:   
      I know and understand that I am worthy and deserving,
      That I am Enough  
I know and understand that am God,
      I am a God-Being, !
      and that feels really, really good!  

      Being worth and deserving
      is my natural state of being,

      and that feels really, really good, 
Link to  natural state of being on
 this page!  

For even more power, add the FahZoom,
feel-good-feeling  sounds   
      Aahhh!    Uuhhh!   Oohhh!    Ohmmm, to each Intention.   

S   through   Z








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I know    


I know that l am an  eternal, non-physical  God-Being
I am presently experiencing life in physical form.  
I live in complete safety and security. 
Joy, Llove, happiness, abundance are my divine right

      and that feels really, really good!  

I intend and I know that the TLC-Life-Center'
      Fifth Dimension Consciousness  Teaching Team

      is fully activated,  
      fully functional,
      fully functioning,  
      and that feels really, really good!  

I know and I  intend that in FahZoom Home, 
      I have comfortable, high quality,
      relaxation-inducing furniture. 
     and that feels really, really good!    

My pineal chakra and pineal gland are
       fully active and fully functional and
      fully functioning,  
      and that feels really, really good!  

  I Know    





I Declare


I intend and I know that I am a God-Being
experiencing physical life on planet Earth,
and that feels really, really good!

I intend
to follow my bliss

I focus on what excites me the most,

and that feels really, really good!

I intend, I am, and I declare that
12 strand DNA is now fully activated,
fully functional, and fully functioning,  

and that feels really, really good!

Intend,   Invite,   Invoke,   Declare.    

  I Declare    





I Experience


I intend,   I declare,  I am, and I experience  
      complete safety and security,   
      and that feels really, really good!  

I intend,   I declare,  I am, and I experience that
Fifth Dimension Consciousness Training Team

is  fully functional, fully functioning,   fully activated,
      and that feels really, really good!  

I intend,   I declare,  I am, and I experience
My ideal life in FahZoom Home,  
      and that feels really, really good!  

I intend,   I declare,  I am, and I experience
      comfortable, high quality relaxation-inducing furniture
      in FahZoom Home,
      and that feels really, really good!  

I know that joy, Llove, health happiness, abundance,
and much more  are my divine right, 
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend,   I declare,  I am, and I experience
a fully active and fully functional and
      fully functioning pineal Chakra,
      and that feels really, really good!  

  I  Experience    





Stand Alone Statements


*    I know with absolute certainty that
      I am God experiencing life in physical form,
      and that feels really, really good!  

*    My sixth chakra (third eye) and the pineal gland are both
      fully activated, fully functional, fully functioning,
      and that feels really, really good!  

*    Synchronicity fills my life with joy,
      with Llove, and with abundance,

*   I am the creator and director of FahZoom Home
     and FahZoom Town,
      and that feels really, really good!  

 I like myself.   I Llove myself.  
      I'm good to me.   I'm good for me.  
     I know with absolete certainty,
      I deserve Llove, abundance and mental clarity.  
     And hat feels  really, really good!  

I am Cosmic Consciousness,  
      and that feels really, really good!  

  Stand Alone Sttements    





Intentions Related to Sex


I Intend:      

Make the statement.  
Close your eyes.   In your mind,
see a picture of its manifestation.
Feel the associated feelings.
Hold those feelings for at leas one breath cycle,
and then,
repeat the intention cycle or 
move directly into the next intention.   

Avoid any and all extraneous thoughts
during this process.  
Reference:   Seventeen Seconds  


Heart Focused Sharing:       
      I intend to begin all sensual and sexual sharing 
      from my heart chakra,
      and that feels really, really good!  

      I take a few moments to breathe deeply. 
      I connect with Source/ Creator and
      then from Source/ Creator, through my heart,
      I connect to my sharing partner.  
      We share heart to heart connections,
      and that feels really, really good!  

     I intend integrity.  
     I intend all intentions are pure and
     for the highest good of all concerned.  

Kundalini Activated:    
      I intend my kundalini fully activated, fully functional,
      and fully functioning.
      Fully activated kundalini feels really, really good!  

Pineal Chakra Activated:    
      I intend my sixth chakra (i.e. pineal chakra, third eye)  
      fully activated,  fully functional, fully functioning,
      and that feels really, really good!  

Orgasm   (Mental Orgasms.   No physical stimulation) 
I intend mental orgasms,  thought induced orgasms. 
      Mentally induced orgasms feel really, really good!  

      Regardless of my location or circumstances,
      I can imagine or physically experience
      a situation that inspires orgasm.
      I ride my breathing cycles into feeling orgasm  

Passionate Relationships:  
      I intend sharing passionate relationships.
      Passionate relationships feel really, really good!  

      I now know what romance feels like.
      Romance feels really, really good!  

Sensual / Sexual Delights:  
      I intend an abundance of sensual / sexual delights, and . . .
      I intend sensual splendor, and  much more.      

Shared Sensuality:  
      I intend great joy.  
      I intend  sharing joy-filled experience with others,
      and that feels really, really good!  

       Examples food, music, entertainment, 
       tactile sensation like foot rubs,
       back rubs, full body massages.      

Shared ecstasy:
I intend profound sexual ecstasy while sharing my experiences
with real, live, beautiful, naked women
and that feels really, really good!

I intend playing sensual sexual games with
beautiful, real, live, naked women

and that feels really, really good!  

I intend sharing orgasms with
beautiful, real, live, naked women

and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Fifth Dimension full-being orgasms,

and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Llove in all of its form,
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Fully giving and fully receiving Llove,
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Cosmic orgasms
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Multiple orgasms
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Full body, erotic massages
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Super-exciting sensual and sexual sharing partners
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Great sensual and sexual pleasures,
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Extended orgasms, orgasms lasting for several minutes
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Full body orgasms   full-being orgasms
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Perfect Lloving relationships
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Ideal sexual relationships
and that feels really, really good!  

I intend to experience:
Profound sensual joy and orgasmic ecstasy
and that feels really, really good!  



C S 18-06-22




As we already said,  nothing stands alone, so,
we introduce you now to our closely relate web pages

*   The Final Cycle Breaker     
<--  You are here.
I release the old by ignoring what is and
focusing on the feeling associated with my desires


Fifth Dimension Manifesting     Unsticking Stuckness
States of being expressed with exquisite grace and style.

*  Satisfaction  -- Living at the Emotional Level of
 Satisfaction or Higher,
at least one step above emotional neutral

*   Creating-with-Emotions~

*   FahZoom Breath and Release Technique

*   Cycle Breakers
cycle breaker is a technique used
to stop an old obsolete pattern from continuing.

Fifth Dimension Relationships
The Amazing Secret of Fifth Dimension Relationships

This is Abraham-Hicks applying
the above references technique called

<><><>   <><><>   <><><>
Site Links Index
*   Return to Page-Content
*   Supporting-Pages








The Learning Curve   >




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Eyes Opened or Eyes Closed:   

  To change in your mental state,
     to changes your brain wave frequency,
     close your eyes.
*   With your eyes closed,
     it's much easier to reach
     the theta brain wave frequency.   
*   The theta brain wave frequency
    is is the frequency that connects you to
     Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess..     







Technical Aspects of Fifth Dimension Manifesting



Setting the Stage fro Appling the Process Described above:      

Everything that we think of
as physically real is actually
pure consciousness
vibrating at its own
family / collection of frequencies.

Every human being is his / her own
unique family of vibrations.    
We experience vibrations as energy and
as physical matter.  
Remember, your physical body is also matter.
Your body is consciousness vibrating
as a unique family of vibrations.    

Consciousness is first cause.  
Our physical experiences are the result.  

We live in a Holographic Universe
Everything in a holograph
is a representation of our consciousness.  
What we experience in the physical world
is a multi-dimensional perception of
our collective and personal imaginations.  

Thoughts, spoken words, and physical actions
are also only families of vibrations.  

Your thoughts, spoken words, and physical actions
are your rate of vibration.

We are pure consciousness.  
We live in an ocean of infinite potential.  
We are Eternal God-Beings experiencing life in physical form.  
We are also Great Creators.  

Our thoughts point us in a particular direction.  
Emotions are the power of manifestation.  
E  Motion.  
Without emotion our thoughts go nowhere. 

No matter what you intend, begin in your heart. 
Begin with the  E-Motion called Llove
Then, focus on your intention.  

State of being versus Having:
When you look at the list of intentions
below on this page you'll find most of them
are about your state of being  

Those  about things or experiences in physical reality
are general terms and not specifically focused on 3d stuff.  

When you create a positive joyous state of being,
physical stuff shows up to match how your feel.  
In other words, focus on who you want to be and
not on what you want in the 3d world.  


Manifesting Described:   Manifesting Described      
      Everything, including myself, is consciousness vibrating.  
I  become the frequencies  that
      I choose to experience.

      In the past my choices were made unconsciously.  
      Now that I understand how the Universe functions,
      I live by conscious choice.  

      I vibrate at the frequency that I choose to experience
       by imagining the feelings
      that are associated with my intention
      I change the vibration of my own being
      so that I vibrate in harmony with what I intend to
      be, do, have, express and experience.  


When Feelings Don't Match Your Stated Intention: 
The manifestation process follows your feelings.  
If there is a conflict between
your stated intention (your thoughts)
and how you feel,
Source/Creator follows your feelings.  

To say one thing and believe feel something else
is guaranteed failure.  
Focus of stuff and go nowhere.  

Focus on feelings and go anywhere.  



Here's a way to get beyond
the thought/ feeling conflict.  

Play the actors role.  
Become an actor and pretend. 
Pretend that you are playing the role of someone else,
Someone whose intention has manifested  and
pretend that you feel the way he or she would feel.   

Ignore everything else. 
Just feel the feel-good feelings associated with
the actors role.   
Another Useful Manifestation Technique
is to place you desire into your past and
imagine how good you felt when your intention manifested. 
Reference:     <>.

<><><>   <><><>

Technical Aspects of Fifth Dimension Manifesting






Focus on Your Feelings:         

To aid in reaching a relaxed, peaceful state of being,
watch an inspiring video.  
Make sure it's soft, slow and inspires you to feel good.  
I can be anything you like, such
an airplane ride, or float down a peaceful river,
or massage video.  


I choose the massage video because
it triggers my kundalini
and enhances my level of creativity.  

Humans are sexual beings.  
The sooner you let go of your third dimension,
Cabal-induced taboos around sex
the easier and more joyful your life will become.     

Focus on Your Feeliongs







Negative Attributes, Beliefs, Character Traits, Behavior Patterns   >

When you start on the self-awareness path
here are some of the unwanted beliefs
that you may encounter: 

***   Low self esteem,  
***   I'm not Good enough,  
***   I don't count,  
***   I belong to an inferior class / group of humans. 

We tend to struggle all our lives
believing that there is something wrong with us.  

There is nothing wrong with us.  

If you were brought up Christian,
you  have simply been mind manipulated to believe
we are powerless, inherently-evil sinners.<> 

See th videos linked to in the section above
titled References     .

Negative Attributes








The  Technical Aspects   of Fifth Dimension Manifesting
can be found at the bottom of this page.  

Also note the page  titled Cycle Breakers
Read the section called  
Combiing Head and Heart

     ///   ///   ///  

Summary of
The Universal Law of
Thought, Emotions, and Attraction

*   Thoughts are vibration.
*   Vibrations attract Like vibrations.
*   Thought attract similar thoughts.
*   Thoughts accompanied by
     khold-priki (feel-bad) emotions
     produce Sheyitt-filled physical experiences.
*   Thoughts accompanied by
     FahZoom (feel-good) emotions
     produce joyous and fun-filled physical experiences.
*   Our dominant thoughts produce
     our external physical experiences.

*   The goal of this page is to show you how to
     keep your thinking
     at least one step above emotional neutral.

     ///   ///   ///

he basic process
of making conscious vibrational changes
requires three steps:  

 I declare my statement of intention: 
        I Intend and I am  _______.  
       (You fill in the blanks.)

Then, I feel the related emotions,  
         I feel really, really good 
         about being / experiencing ______! 

and  follow up with appreciation,  
        I am sincerely grateful that
       my intention is fully manifested! 
       It is Done.  So Be It   and    It Is.


**1     I know that the way to receive Llove
        is to focus my attention on
        giving Llove.

**2    Giving Llove feels really, really good.
         The Llove and appreciation that comes back to me
         also feels really really  good.

**3   I sincerely appreciate God-Goddess for giving us
The first Law of Llove
             "The way to receive Llove
                   is to focus your attention on
                        giving Llove."

   ///   ///   ///

After making the statement of intention,
I remember to see a picture
and/or feel the feelings
as if my intention were  completely manifestoed.
Imagine my new situation fully manifested
This is called witnessing

I close my eyes and for at least one full breath cycle,
I breathe intentionally.    See: 
I imagine myself being inside of my intention.  
I breath  and experience the feelings
     of my intention /declaration.  
I see and feel  myself as if I am inside
     of my intention /declaration.

As I hold the picture, sound, taste smell and or 
the physical sensation in my mind,
I imagine feelings and the joys
of the experience when  my intention
in its fully manifested. 

Another powerful aspect of this process
is to feel and express total appreciation
for something not yet manifested.
I appreciate my good fortune.   
See it as something that already is

///  ///   ///

Becoming an Observer:
If I see something of low vibration
in the external world,
I look at it as a dis-attached observer.  

I know I created my perception of it,
and now I choose to create
a perception of something else.  

I remember that
I am not creating physical things,  
I am a
creating images of physical things 
in a multi-Sensory

Actually, I am not creating anything outside of myself.  
I am altering my internal rate of vibration
to match what I choose to experience.  

Two more important aspects
of the manifestation process are:

**1   I trust the manifestation process.
        I trust God,
        I trust Myself.   (I am part of God)
        I trust the rules of reality
       And all that feels really, really good.

**2  I feel worthy and deserving of receiving and
             experiencing my intentions,. 
        I Intend and I know that I am enough! 
        and that feels really, really good.

         We have an entire page devoted to this concept:   

      Worthy, Connected,  Llovable, and Enough



My jobs are:   
      I accept myself exactly as I am.
      I declare my intention,   
      I imagine my intention,
      I see my intention,
      I feel my intention,  
And all that feels really, really good.

      I feel total appreciation for my good fortune,  
      I trust the universal manifestation process,   
      I feel worthy of receiving my intentions.
      I know that I am worthy, deserving, and enough.
      I accept the manifestation of my intention.  
And all that feels really, really good.


To amplify my feel-good feelings ((FahZoom),
I play music that is tuned to one of the
Solfeggio frequencies (4322 Htz  5288 Htz,etc.)   
For example:

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Videos Related to this Topic


How to Change Your Frequency
to Change Your Reality 
Christie Marie Sheldon       


The Biggest Disease Affecting Humanity:
“I’m Not Enough"
by Marisa Peer   


To Reach Beyond Your Limits by Training Your Mind  
by Marisa Peer    


Kryon Teaches In Depth How to Properly Communicate
With Your Cells to Invoke Powerful Change.       <>







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The Misty Crystal  

Life,  Llove,  &  Joy  Beyond Profound



Copyright © 2017  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center

All rights reserved.     See:   Terms of Use      Privacy Statement 


Date Site Was Created:          22 Nov 2016  - 

Site  Number & Domain Name:           22  The Misty Crystal  --

Page:                    Fifth DimensionManifesting


Title:                   22  Life, Llove, &  Joy Beyond Profound -
Consciousness expansion using Sensual delights -

Description:   Our intentions: ,
                               5th Dimension, Consciousness Expansion, 
                               Sharing Sensual Delights.   














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