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The Mysti Crystal 


Life,  Llove,  &  Joy 
Beyond Profound





All Home Loans Cancelled

Cabal Criminal Bankers Defeated  


Email Version










RE:   Seeking Your Advice    

I am seeking someone like you
to look at the evidence and
then, answer one simple question. 

I have discovered something
that I believe to be profound.  
I have written
a detailed description of
what I've discovered.

I am a visionary.
I can see quite clearly into
both the past and the future. 
What I see is called the Akashic Records.  

Because most people have been
secretly mind manipulated
by the Cabal Criminals,
they live in fear and feel helpless.  
As a result. they cannot see or
will not look at the evidence, 

I have written a "How to . . ."  Training Manual
for freeing humanity from a mind control prison
in which most of the prisoners do not yet realize
that they are in prison.  
The prison is invisible to the inmates.  
It's made of lies, incredibly sophisticated illusions,
intentional deceptions,
mind manipulation, and false beliefs.  

Would you be willing to look at the evidence and
then tell me if, in your opinion,
what I have found is the truth
or just another fairy tale?

Please go to
And to
Look at the evidence and contact me.

Thank you.  
Robert Cote' 










  Email Version - Short 



RE:   All Home Loans Cancelled  

A Major Milestone in the Defeat of the Cabal
will occurr the day all home owners, in-mass,
stop making home mortgage payments
to the Cabal criminal bankers.  

That will take about 130 BILLION dollars every month
away from the Cabal Criminal Bankers and    
provided 75 million home owners
and their families with an average of $1,780
in spendable money
every month

This is the final straw that will destroy the Cabal.   

You can find the full details of this story
with links and with much supporting evidence at: 

<><><>   <><><>  

Those in control of our economic, social,
religious, and political structures
appear to be completely ignorant of
the fact that fifth dimension consciousness
has made third dimension, top-down, secret control obsolete. 
(See the references on our website: )  

As tools for defeating the Cable,
they are still ignoring the power of  We-The-People,  
They are still trying to fix things by fighting each other.  
There are several simple solutions available that would

1)   Bring the people back into controlling their own lives,

2)   Severely reduce the power of
     the mindless, Cabal -controlled humans. 

3)   Take trillions of dollars away from the Cabal criminal bankers. 


a)   End all home loan mortgages. (referenced above) 

b)   Stop paying interest to the bankers on the National Debt  

c)   End the absolutely and totally insane war
      against marijuana and hemp.,  

d)  Issue Debt-Free Money directly from the U.S. Treasury,
     or from any state treasury, 

e)   Use the money from the U.S. Treasury to put the people to work
      rebuilding the nations infrastructure


What Are We Doing?

We are creating a "How to . . ."  Training Manual
for freeing humanity from a mind control prison
in which most of the prisoners do not yet realize
that they are in prison.  
The prison is invisible to the inmates.  
It's made of lies, incredibly sophisticated illusions,
intentional deceptions, mind manipulation, and false beliefs.   


Why Are we Doing This?

*   Because it's in everybody's self interest.  

*   Because it's in our own self interest. 

*   To stop having our children,
     raped, tortured, and murdered
     by the Cabal criminals in their satanic rituals.

*   To rebuild Earth back into its original intention
    as the Living Library of all Cosmic knowledge.  


Where Do You Come into this Picture?

Like it or not, believe it or not,
We are all in this together.   
If we fail, you die.  
If you fail to participate, we all die.  

EVERYTHING is part of a grand, unified whole. 
Here's an analogy:  
While in a human body,
no matter where you go or what you do,
every part of your body goes with you.  
Your hands, your nose, your teeth, and your toes,
even your butt hole goes with you.  

So it is wit our collective called humanity.  
NOBODY can be excluded or left behind.  
We all win or we all lose.  

So here's your job.  
It's incredibly simple.  
Realize that you are much more than
just a physical body. 
Learn who and what you are.  

You are an eternal, non-physical, divine being,
having a human experience.   
That's it.
Once you realize this truth,
everything else will come to you
with the grace and ease
of water flowing down hill.    






  Email Version Long 

You can find the complete version of this story
with links and with much supporting evidence at: 





In roaming the Universe using 
The New Rules of Reality,
I stumbled onto this story: 

      A Major Milestone in the Defeat of the Cabal
      occurred the day all home owners, in-mass,
      stopped ma
king home mortgage payments
      to the Cabal criminal bankers. 

      The Essence of the story is that
      75 million homeowners 
      took about 130 BILLION dollars every month
      away from the Cabal Criminal Bankers
      and kept that money
      for themselves and their families.   
      This was the final straw
      that defeated the Cabal.   

<><><>   <><><>    

What I found in my deep meditation
appears to be an Akashic Records story.  

<><><>   <><><>

Here's the Story:  
This story occurred on Plant Rosetta.   
Rosetta is one of
an infinite number of  
timelines related to Earth. 
In other words, it's different but very similar.

Editors Note:  
The lead character
does NOT need to be the President.  
All that is required is a recognized authority figure
that the people will follow, such as
a state governor or a very popular celebrity.

The nation's President
at a live, televised, national, public event,
suddenly stopped speaking.  
He stood quietly for a long moment,
looked intently at the people in the audience,
then spoke these words.

"Recently, while sitting quietly
in prayer and in meditation,
I asked Source/Creator/God
for guidance on how to most effectively
lead our nation back into health and prosperity.
I heard these words .  

     "Guide.   Do not attempt to control! 
      Instead of fighting the opposition,
     ask the people what they want. 
     Remember, it's everybody's country

     "First, tell all American homeowners
      to immediately stop making
      home loan payments.

      By this simple act, the people, themselves,
       will defeat the Cabal criminal bankers."  

      Second, put the people back to work   
      rebuilding the nation's infrastructure. 
      Pay for the reconstruction with
      DEBT FREE money issued directly from
       the nation's treasury.  

"Ladies and gentlemen,
take a moment and think about
the power that you have as 
The People of this Nation

The President stopped speaking.  
The entire local audience became silent.  
After about 30 seconds,
someone in the audience yelled, 
"We-The-People have spoken.  Let it be done!" 

Everyone began to cheer. 
When the audience quieted down,
the President said,
"If you have the courage to act as one people,
every month, you will put about
130 billion dollars
back into your own hands.
Imagine what an economic stimulus
of the much money will  . . . " 

At that point the President's
microphone went dead.  
We could hear shouting and noise of
a physical confrontation beside the stage.  
A low hum of whispering voices could be heard
coming from the audience.  

The President motioned everyone to silence.  
With hand gestures, he indicated for the people to
touch their hearts and send Llove out everywhere.  
He began to sing The Woody Guthrie Song,
"This Land in Your Land."   
The audience joined in. 

"This land is your land.    This land is my land,
From California to the New York island;
From the red wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and me."  

One of the president's bodyguards
came on stage and
handed the president
a functioning microphone.  
The President motioned the audience to silence
and said,   "If one of you knows all the words, 
please come up and lead us in this song."

A young woman immediately responded. 
She came on stage,
the President gave her the microphone, and
she began to pre-speak the words
as all again began to sing.  

When the song ended,
the President took back the microphone,
thanked the woman, and said,
"Before the microphone was cut off,
I was about to tell you that   
the banks, all of them,
lend money that they create
out of nothing and
then require you to pay interest
for the use of make-believe,
non-existent money."  

Remember, this is your country.  
When we all, at the same time,
speak with one voice, we are unstoppable.  
Even the Bible tells us that.  
Let us speak with our behavior.  

If you do so, from now on,
130 billion dollars each month
will go to We-The-People  and
NOT to the criminals who control the banks.  

I'll get the latest numbers on this,
and share them with you soon.
In the mean time, imagine
the power of 75 million homeowners
and their families
with 130 billion dollars in spendable money
in your pockets every month.  

Remember, taking back 130 billion dollars a month
is just the beginning.    

Now let us return to our program. 
Thank you.     

<><><>   <><><>

You can find the online version of this story
with links and much supporting evidence at:


Hopefully you'll find this story interesting enough
to pass it along to your family and friends.    

Home Loans Ended   Cabal Defeated<><>





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Date Site Was Created:          22 Nov 2016  - 

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Title:                   22  Life, Llove, &  Joy Beyond Profound -
Consciousness expansion using Sensual delights -

Description:   Our intentions: ,
                               5th Dimension, Consciousness Expansion, 
                               Sharing Sensual Delights.






















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